Welcome To Midtown Neurofeedback
Mental Health Provider Raleigh NC
Welcome to Midtown Neurofeedback. At Midtown Neurofeedback, we focus on Neurofeedback and other drugless methods to help improve the mental health of our community around Raleigh, NC. We are located in the offices of Midtown Chiropractic in the Midtown area of Raleigh. Our Raleigh NC mental health clinic is warm and welcoming.
Dr. Brett Hightower has been a leader in the area of natural and drugless healing since 1994. He draws on 3 decades of experience as a physician to provide the best treatment options for your particular case.
He is BCIA accredited and Amen certified so you know he will keep up with the advances in this dynamic field.
What sets us apart from other Mental Health Providers in Raleigh NC
NFB is well established as a non-pharmacological alternative to help treat ADD, anxiety, and depression. Our understanding of these complex conditions is advancing rapidly. Dr. Hightower understands these advances and he excels at how to explain what NFB is and exactly it is and how it applies to the dynamics of your specific QEEG brain map.